Where to Start
In the Physical World - Intelligent Design
Start exploring with the gray section. Gray stands for ground. The gray tiles show the truth in the Physical World and how Intelligent Design is rooted in reality. Start with tile number 1 in the bottom left corner of the pyramid.
In Metaphysical Realities - The Natural Law
Next explore the blue section. Blue stands for sky. The blue tiles show the truth in the Metaphysical Realities and how the rooted in reality in the Natural Law. Start with tile number 18.
In the Word - The Bible
Continue exploring with the yellow section. Yellow stands for Gold. The yellow tiles explore the truth In Words that are rooted in the reality of the Bible. Start exploring with tile number 31.
In a Person - Jesus
The final section to explore is the red section. Red stand for blood. The red tiles explore the truth In a Person - rooted in the reality of Jesus. Start exploring with tile number 40.